A decade ago there was a shift from double sided mattresses to single sided ones. Earlier manufacturers used to manufacture double sided mattresses, which meant that both sides of the mattress could be used; the mattress could be flipped over and used. However manufacturers gradually started to turn to single sided mattresses with the main objective of cutting costs and making production easier. But just like the two sides of a coin, both sides of a mattress are equally important.
There are multiple pros and cons of using a double sided mattress. No mattress is going to keep the same shape it had one year or even some months after being delivered. Body impressions are very normal. With a double-sided mattress, you can flip it over and have another flat side that has no such body impressions. Flipping it allows the first side to work itself out for a while, and helps the mattress to settle evenly. The main objective behind using double sided mattresses earlier was to increase longevity of the mattress, to increase its life and make it durable.
However, the reason why people prefer single sided mattresses is because mattress manufacturers could add extra comfort to single sided mattresses, adding more and more layers of comfort. Moreover the advancement in technology has resulted in the achievement of prolonged life of a single sided mattress as well. Furthermore two-sided mattresses are usually heavier than single-sided ones because there are more components. Flipping your mattress can be a tough job. You are also limited in your selection of mattress type, as double-sided mattresses are only available in traditional innerspring style mattresses.
It is never easy to choose a good mattress to sleep on. Weather to use a single sided or a double sided mattress is a complicated question as both has its fair share of pros as well as cons. So always remember to choose a good mattress on the basis of your personal needs and also your sleeping habits.
To choose the best suitable mattress for you, contact our experts and get a mattress perfect for you.
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