We live in a super fast age today, where earning money has become our first and only priority and between all this, we forget an essential element of our life; our health. Good wealth is something all Humans desire and Good health is the greatest gift one can get. Health and wealth are like two sides of a coin. A healthy and fit person is generally happy and positive about life and is able to derive full glory of all the opportunities life has to offer. Life is not merely to be alive, but to be healthy and wealthy. Wealth buys success, career and leisure but we should formulate our life in such a way that we keep being healthy our first priority. Health is a state of complete physical, social and mental well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

A person with sound health enjoys a stable wealth and also a healthy mental condition. Our health depends upon several factors, such as food, pollution, sleeping habits, mental condition, air, water and sunlight. Exercise is essential to keep our body fit; running, jogging, cycling, swimming are some ways one can keep fit. Thinking positive is essential to keep our mental health in check. An unhealthy person is more prone to experience fatigue and weakness. Similarly maintaining proper sleeping habits helps us to remain fresh and work to our full potential. Using a good mattress is hence important not only for achieving a good sleep but also for maintaining our body posture. Maintaining good health is a process that starts with what we eat and the type of activities we engage in. One can have money but will eventually spend all money buying medication or visiting doctors to stay healthy. A rich person will hence always be dissatisfied in comparison to a healthy and fit person.

True wealth lies in being fit and healthy. All luxuries of life are useless if a person isn’t able to derive its benefits due to poor health. Moderation in food habits, daily exercise, and work-life balance – all these can make a difference to our health. A yearly health check up after the age of 40 is also a must. Without good health we cannot work or be self-reliant. A healthy person sings the glory of life and works hard to realize his dreams. He never complains. He is always happy and cheerful. ‘health is wealth’ is hence a very apt saying , which explains that life has more to offer than just materialistic things, and that one can be gratified if he lives a wholesome and healthy life.

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